Brand New Decca

Ah, brainstorming. It’s always so beautiful when you look over the different pieces of a story you’re writing and find new ways for them to fit together more effectively. So it has been with Decca’s makeover in my Christmas superstorm story in my near-future science-fictional … Continue readingBrand New Decca

Fia After Opry Tower

In my yet-to-be-published story, “Orphans of Opry Tower”, a pair of teenage twin siblings are friends of the orphans, even living in the same tower as they do, and the close and nigh-exclusive relationship between the twins is disrupted when the brother, Fintan, brings home … Continue readingFia After Opry Tower

Ready for Rapunzel

I don’t belabor the point, but the truth is 20th and 21st century of my alternate-history science-fiction space-opera universe is in large measure a family saga of the Reinhardts, heirs of the inventor of the microchip and his fortune. Recently I’ve been brainstorming a new … Continue readingReady for Rapunzel